Tag Archives: Mt Katahdin

Photos Snowmobiling Millinocket Maine

Greenleaf Mtn Trail
109 to 111 X-Over trail
Wildwoods Trail
B Pond Mt. Katahdin from Saddleback Mtn.
Pollywog Stream, Rainbow Lake Trail
West Branch Penobscot River on ITS 86
Scenic Loop, Parkway trail
ITS 86, Painted Rock
Greanleaf Mtn. Trail
Off Trail near the 109
Gauntlet Falls Bridge
View from Ragged Lake Trail
Ragged Mtn. Trail
Trail to Rainbow Lake
Intersection of 109, ITS 86
PP X-Over Trail
5 Lakes Lodge & sleds
Gauntlet Falls Trail
On Ragged Mountain
Parkway Scenic Loop
Parkway Trail
Northern Restaurant, Abol Bridge ITS 86
Heading Up Ragged Mtn. Trail
Overlook on the 109
March 2014 109 Trail
P.P. X-over Trail
Mt. Katahdin from the 109
Parkway Scenic Loop Trail
Greenleaf Mtn Trail

Snowmobiling in Millinocket Maine – SnowGoer pg. 32 Oct 2015

The Maine-Snowmobiling.com Team featured in SnowGoer Magazine, Pg. 32, Oct 2015 - Photo: Richard Levasseur
The Maine-Snowmobiling.com Team featured in SnowGoer Magazine, Pg. 32, Oct 2015 – Photo: Richard Levasseur

We loved our trip with Debbie and Richard Levasseur from 5 Lakes Lodge in Millinocket, Maine.  And some photos that Rick took that day actually made it into the Oct 2015 copy of SnowGoer Magazine.  If you have a copy, check out page 32 for “Magic Carpet Ride.”

“Riding in the shadows of Mount Katahdin in the rural backcountry of central Maine is scenic and serene.”

Download a complete PDF of the article “Magic Carpet Ride”.