Here is a list from the Maine Snowmobile Association (MSA) of all of their related clubs in Maine. Many links and addresses for these snowmobile clubs and up-to-date snowmobiling information about their areas of Maine. These clubs work the entire year to mark and groom 14,000 miles of trails for the public’s enjoyment! To support support these clubs and snowmobiling in Maine, contact a club in your area and join. Or, download the official MSA membership form and join there!
If you have been on these trails, you know that these 280+ MSA affiliated snowmobile clubs are doing a wonderful job. Groomers often work at night until early morning so that the trails are perfect for all those snowmobilers who look forward to getting out on them the next day. You can thank them by joining their club!
Abbot: Big Pine Riders SC, PO Box 13, Abbot ME 04406 |
Acton, Shapleigh: Mousam Valley SC, PO Box 109, Shapleigh ME 04076 |
Albion: Night Roadrunners SC, 32 Hussey Rd, Albion ME 04910 |
Alexander: Breakneck Mt. Sno-Riders, PO Box 1384, Calais ME 04619 |
Alfred: Shaker Valley Sno Travelers, 84 Dennett Rd, Biddeford ME 04005 |
Allagash: Moosetown Riders, Inc, 1077 Allagash Rd, Allagash ME 04774 |
Alna: Alna SC, 1220 Alna Rd, Alna ME 04535 |
Andover: Snow Valley Sno-Goers, PO Box 159, Andover ME 04216-0159 |
Anson, North Anson: Anson-North Anson SC, PO Box 437, Anson ME 04911. Facebook page |
Appleton:Appleton Trail Makers, 2306 W Appleton Rd, Appleton ME 04862 |
Ashland: Ashland SC, PO Box 237, Ashland ME 04732 |
Athens: AC Lineriders SC, PO Box 335, Athens ME 04912 |
Atkinson: Cold Smoke Riders SC, 130 Maple Rd, Atkinson ME 04426 |
Auburn: Perkins Ridge Sno-Travelers, c/o Lake Auburn Community Center, 115 North Auburn Rd, Auburn ME 04210 |
Auburn: Andy Valley Sno Gypsies, PO Box 1573, Auburn ME 04211 |
Auburn:Auburn Sno Groomers, PO Box 3204, Auburn ME 04212-3204 |
Augusta: Fox Glen SC, PO Box 4654, Augusta ME 04330 |
Augusta:North Augusta Trailblazers, PO Box 213, Augusta ME 04330 |
Baileyville: St. Croix Trailriders, PO Box 547, Baileyville ME 04694 |
Baldwin:Baldwin Beltburners SC, 29 Woods Mill Rd, East Baldwin ME 04024 |
Bangor: Paul Bunyan SC, PO Box 2144, Bangor ME 04402 |
Beddington: Airline Riders, 3752 Airline Rd, Beddington ME 04622 |
Belfast: Belfast Area Snow Packers, PO Box 905, Belfast ME 04915 |
Belgrade: Belgrade Draggin’ Masters, PO Box 492, Belgrade ME 04917 |
Belmont, Morrill, Searsmont, Waldo: Tri-Town Sno Riders, 42 Mixer Pond Rd, Knox ME 04986 |
Benedicta: Benedicta Snowgang, 28 Lawler Rd, Benedicta ME 04733 |
Benton: Good Time Riders, 1071 Clinton Avenue, Benton ME 04901 |
Benton: Country Cousins SC, 48 E Benton Rd, Benton ME 04901 |
Bethel: Bethel Snow Twisters, PO Box 420, Bethel ME 04217 |
Bingham, Moscow: Valley Riders, PO Box 21, Bingham ME 04920 |
Bowdoin: Bowdoin Flurry Flyers, PO Box 173, Bowdoin ME 04287 |
Bowdoinham: Bowdoinham Snowbirds, PO Box 253, Bowdoinham ME 04008 |
Bradford: Bradford Snowblazers,1814 Pushaw Rd, Glenburn ME 04401 |
Bridgton: Bridgton Easy Riders, PO Box 564, Bridgton ME 04009 |
Brooks: Harvest Valley SC, PO Box 336, Brooks ME 04921 |
Brownfield: Burnt Meadow SC, PO Box 412, Brownfield ME 04010 |
Brownville:Brownville SC, PO Box 296, Brownville ME 04414 |
Buckfield: Streaked Mountaineers, PO Box 203, Buckfield ME 04220-0203 or e-mail club |
Bucksport: Family SC, PO Box 1638, Bucksport ME 04416 |
Burlington: Back Country Snowmobilers, 92 Long Ridge Rd, Burlington ME 04417 |
Buxton:Sokokis Riders SC, PO Box 422, Bar Mills ME 04004 |
Calais: Sunrise Snowmobilers, PO Box 178, Calais ME 04619 |
Cambridge: Cambridge Super Trails, PO Box 31, Cambridge ME 04923 |
Camden, Rockport: Goose River SC, PO Box 252, West Rockport ME 04865 |
Canaan: Canaan Bog Bouncers, PO Box 439, Canaan ME 04924-0439 |
Canton: Canton Hi Riders, 65 Lakeview Drive, Hartford ME 04220 |
Caribou: Caribou SC, PO Box 143, Caribou ME 04736 |
Carmel:Carmel SC, PO Box 141, Carmel ME 04419 |
Carrabassett Valley: JV Wing SC, Valley Crossing #11, Carrabassett Valley ME 04947 |
Carthage: Webb River Valley SC, 40 Francis Pl, Carthage ME 04224 |
Casco: Crooked River SC, PO Box 42, South Casco ME 04077 |
Castle Hill: Aroostook River SC, PO Box 108, Presque Isle ME 04769 |
Caswell: Pleasant Ridge Riders, 1405 Van Buren Rd, Caswell ME 04750 |
Chapman: Chapman Ridge Runners SC, PO Box 282, Mapleton ME 04757 |
Charleston: Charleston Stumpjumpers, 19 Dover Rd, Charleston ME 04422 |
Cherryfield: Narraguagus SC, PO Box 234, Cherryfield ME 04622 Club Facebook page |
Chesterville: Chesterville Country Ramblers SC, c/o John Starrett, PO Box 808, Farmington ME 04938 |
China: China Four Season Club, PO Box 474, South China ME 04358 |
Clifton: Clifton Area SC, 55 Bradbury Brook Rd, Clifton ME 04428 |
Clinton: Town & Country Trailriders, PO Box 23, Clinton ME 04927 |
Corinna: Corundel Raiders, PO Box 158, Corinna ME 04928 |
Corinth: Powerline Prowlers SC, 191 Puddledock Rd, Corinth ME 04427 |
Cornish: Cornish Sno-Cruisers SC, PO Box 367, Cornish ME 04020 |
Cumberland, North Yarmouth: Moonlite Sno-Skimmers, PO Box 383, Cumberland ME 04021 |
Danforth, Weston: East Grand SC, PO Box 182, Danforth ME 04424 |
Dedham: Bald Mountain Snowriders, PO Box 1220, Holden ME 04429 |
Denmark: Denmark Draggers, PO Box 103, Denmark ME 04022 |
Dennysville: Dennysville SC, PO Box 45, Dennysville ME 04628 |
Detroit: Night Drifters SC, PO Box 98, Detroit ME 04929 |
Dexter: Wassookeag SC, PO Box 121, Dexter ME 04930 |
Dixfield: Poodunck SC, PO Box 276, Dixfield ME 04224 |
Dixmont: Dixmont Goldcrest Riders, PO Box 13, Dixmont ME 04932 |
Dover-Foxcroft: Piscataquis Valley SC, PO Box 52, Dover-Foxcroft ME 04426 |
Dresden: Dresden Sno-Valley Riders, PO Box 317, Dresden ME 04342 |
Eagle Lake: Eagle Lake Winter Riders, PO Box 294, Eagle Lake ME 04739 |
East Machias: Downeast Trail Riders, PO Box 658, East Machias ME 04630 |
East Millinocket, Medway: East Branch Sno-Rovers, PO Box 296, Medway ME 04460 |
Easton: Easton Trailbreakers, 11 Bowers Rd, Easton ME 04740 |
Ebeemee Twp: Ebeemee SC, PO Box 633, Brownville ME 04414 |
Ellsworth: Ellsworth SC, 160 Bangor Rd, Ellsworth ME 04605 |
Embden: Embden Travelers SC, PO Box 642, North Anson ME 04958 |
Enfield: Cold Stream Sno-Riders, HCR 67 Box 1184, Enfield ME 04493 |
Eustis, Stratton: Arnold Trail SC, PO Box 152, Eustis ME 04936 |
Exeter: Cross Country Cruisers, 180 Tibbetts Rd, Exeter ME 04435 |
Fairfield: Fairfield Country Riders, 380 Center Rd, Fairfield ME 04937 |
Falmouth: Falmouth Sno-Voyagers, PO Box 66834, Falmouth ME 04105 |
Farmingdale: Barnstormers SC, PO Box 161, Hallowell ME 04347-0161 |
Farmington, Temple: Shiretown Riders, 124 Russells Mill Rd, Farmington ME 04938 |
Fayette: Fayette Ridge Riders, Inc, PO Box 282, Kents Hill ME 04349 |
Fort Fairfield: Fort Fairfield SC, PO Box 233, Fort Fairfield ME 04742 |
Fort Kent: Fort Kent Snoriders, Inc., PO Box 131, Fort Kent ME 04743 |
Freedom: North Star Riders, 632 Halldale Rd, Montville ME 04941 |
Freeport, Durham, Pownal: Tri-Town Penguins, PO Box 571, Freeport ME 04032 |
Frenchville: Frenchville SC, PO Box 209, Frenchville ME 04745 |
Friendship: Stormy Riders, c/o Robin Reed, 31 Eby Rd, Friendship ME 04547 |
Fryeburg:Interstate Snogoers, PO Box 15, Fryeburg ME 04037 |
Gardiner: Gardiner Ridge Riders, PO Box 64, South Gardiner ME 04359 |
Gilead: Wild River Riders Inc, 2062 North Rd, Gilead ME 04217 |
Glenburn:Glenburn Lakeside Riders SC, PO Box 8442, Bangor ME 04402 |
Gorham: Gorham Sno Goers, PO Box 213, Gorham ME 04038 |
Grand Isle: Cold Mountain SC, PO Box 172, Grand Isle ME 04746 |
Grand Lake Stream: Grand Lake SC, 1 Webber Dirt Rd, Unit 6 Box 5, Grand Lake Stream ME 04668 |
Gray: Gray SnoWolves, PO Box 1091, Gray ME 04039 |
Greenbush, Greenfield Twp: G & G Trailblazers, PO Box 6, Greenbush ME 04418 |
Greene: Greene Dragons SC, PO Box 147, Greene ME 04236 |
Greenville: Moosehead Riders SC, PO Box 1145, Greenville ME 04441 |
Greenwood: Greenstock Snow Sports, PO Box 27, Greenwood ME 04255 |
Guilford: Four Winds SC, PO Box 543, Guilford ME 04443 |
Hampden: Goodwill Riders SC, 844 Western Ave, Hampden ME 04444 |
Harmony: Heart of Gold SC, PO Box 251, Harmony ME 04942 |
Harrison: Harrison Friendly Riders SC, PO Box 817, Harrison ME 04040, Club Facebook page |
Hartland: Smokey’s Angels SC, 1683 Canaan Rd, Hartland ME 04943 |
Hebron: Bouncing Bogies, PO Box 69, Hebron ME 04238-0069 |
Hermon: Penobscot SC, 398 Clark Rd, Hermon ME 04401 |
Hiram: Hiram Hillclimbers, PO Box 275, Hiram ME 04041 |
Holden: Eastern Maine Snowmobilers, PO Box 226, Brewer ME 04412 |
Hollis: Hollis Honkers, PO Box 48, Hollis Center ME 04042 |
Hope: Hatchet Mountain Sno-Riders, 38 Morrison Dr, Lincolnville ME 04849 |
Howland: Twin Rivers SC, PO Box 275, Howland ME 04448 |
Hudson: Pushaw Lake SC, PO Box 103, Hudson ME 04449 |
Industry: Northern Lites SC, PO Box 857, Farmington ME 04938 |
Island Falls: Big Valley Sno-Club, PO Box 245, Island Falls ME 04747 |
Jackman: Border Riders Sportsman’s Club, PO Box 413, Jackman ME 04945 |
Jackson: Jackson Wheel-n-Ski, PO Box 151, Brooks ME 04921 |
Jay: Andy Valley Riders, PO Box 307, Jay ME 04239 |
Jefferson: Jefferson Sno-Packers, PO Box 355, Jefferson ME 04348, Club Facebook page |
Kenduskeag: Kenduskeag Stream Riders, 67 Ames Rd, Kenduskeag ME 04450 |
Kingfield: Sno Wanderers SC, PO Box 12, Kingfield ME 04947 |
Knox: Frye Mountain Sno-Riders, 1149 Webb Rd, Knox ME 04986 |
Kokadjo, Frenchtown Twp: Kokadjo Roach Riders, 37 Congress St, Walpole MA 02081 |
Lagrange, Alton: LA Sledders, 3346 Bennoch Rd, Alton ME 04468 |
Lamoine: Frenchman Bay Riders, 385 Douglas Hwy, Lamoine ME 04605 |
Lebanon: Lebanon Trail Riders, PO Box 33, Lebanon ME 04027 |
Lee: Lee Mogul Pounders SC, PO Box 344, Lee ME 04455 |
Leeds: Leeds Stumpthumpers, PO Box 93, Leeds ME 04263 |
Levant: Hungry Hollow 76ers, PO Box 172, Levant ME 04456 |
Lewiston: Hillside Family Riders SC, PO Box 7044, Lewiston ME 04243-7044 |
Lexington, Highland, Concord, Pleasant Ridge: Lexington Highlanders, c/o Wilson, 1343 Long Falls Dam Rd, Lexington Twp ME 04961 |
Limerick, Newfield: Route 11 Streakers, PO Box 235, Newfield ME 04056 |
Limestone: Limestone Snow Hawks, PO Box 48, Limestone ME 04750 |
Limington: Limington Crankers, PO Box 81, Limington ME 04049 |
Lincoln: Lincoln Snowhounds SC, 15 Center Pond Drive, Lincoln ME 04457 |
Lincolnville: Lincolnville Mountain Goats, PO Box 275, Lincolnville ME 04849 |
Linneus: Linneus Sno-Sports, Inc, PO Box 529, Houlton ME 04730 |
Lisbon: Riverside Trail Riders, PO Box 177, Lisbon ME 04250 |
Lisbon Falls: Pejepscot Sno-Chiefs, PO Box 1, Lisbon Falls ME 04252 |
Litchfield: Litchfield SC, PO Box 218, Litchfield ME 04350 |
Littleton, Houlton, Monticello: Meduxnekeag Ramblers, c/o R. Beals, 334 Back Ridge Rd., Littleton ME 04730 |
Livermore: Livermore Trail Blazers, 10 Crash Rd, Livermore ME 04253 |
Livermore Falls: Jug Hill Riders, PO Box 237, East Livermore ME 04228 |
Lovell: Kezar Trailbreakers, 840 Lovell Rd, Sweden ME 04040 |
Lyman: Lyman SC, PO Box 125, Lyman ME 04002 |
Macwahoc: Eastern Maine Snow Riders, 13 Kingman Rd, Kingman ME 04451 |
Madawaska: Madawaska SC, PO Box 755, Madawaska ME 04756 |
Madison: Abnaki Sno-Riders, PO Box 165, Madison ME 04950 |
Manchester: Manchester Country Riders, PO Box 405, Manchester ME 04351 |
Mars Hill: Central Aroostook SC, PO Box 528, Mars Hill ME 04758 |
Mattawamkeag: Mattawamkeag Roadrunners, PO Box 128, Mattawamkeag ME 04459 |
Mechanic Falls: Bog Hooters SC, PO Box 351, Mechanic Falls ME 04256 |
Mercer: Mercer Bog Riders, 28 Corson Rd, Mercer ME 04957 |
Mexico: Mexico Trail Blazers, PO Box 160, Mexico ME 04257 |
Milford: Pine Tree SC, PO Box 503, Milford ME 04461 |
Millinocket: Northern Timber Cruisers, PO Box 269, Millinocket ME 04462 |
Millinocket: Jo-Mary Riders, PO Box 446, Millinocket ME 04462 |
Milo: Devils Sledders, Inc, PO Box 423, Milo ME 04463 |
Minot: Minot Moonshiners SC, PO Box 61, Minot ME 04258 |
Monmouth: Cochnewagan Trailblazers, PO Box 153, Monmouth ME 04259 |
Monroe: Monroe SC, PO Box 673, Monroe ME 04951 |
Monson: Narrow Gauge Riders, PO Box 296, Monson ME 04464 |
Mount Vernon: Minnehonk Ridge Riders,152 Ingham Pond Rd, Mount Vernon ME 04352 |
Naples: Muddy River Sno-Seekers, PO Box 794, Naples ME 04055, Club Facebook page |
New Canada: Sly Brook Sno-Riders, PO Box 76, Wallagrass ME 04781 |
New Gloucester: Royal River Riders, PO Box 21, New Gloucester ME 04260 |
New Portland: Wire Bridge Sno-Travelers, PO Box 139, New Portland ME 04961-0139 |
New Sharon: New Sharon Snow Riders, PO Box 193, New Sharon ME 04955 |
New Vineyard: New Vineyard North SC, PO Box 72, New Vineyard ME 04956 |
Newburgh: Newburgh Countryside Riders, 86A Mudgett Rd, Newburgh ME 04444 |
Newport, Stetson, Etna: Sebasticook Valley SC, PO Box 94, Stetson ME 04488-0094 |
Newry: Windy Valleys SC, 133 Branch Rd, Newry ME 04261 |
Nobleboro: Damariscotta Lake SC, PO Box 182, Nobleboro ME 04555 |
Nobleboro, Damariscotta, Bristol: Route 66 SC, PO Box 231, Bristol ME 04539 |
Norridgewock: Norridgewock Sportsmen Assn, PO Box 115, Norridgewock ME 04957 |
North East Carry: North East Carry Sno Riders, 642 North East Carry Rd, North East Carry ME 04478 |
North Yarmouth, Pownal: Royal River SC, PO Box 1061, Yarmouth ME 04096 |
Northport: Northport Ridge Riders, 257 Rocky Rd, Northport ME 04849 |
Norway: Norway Trackers, PO Box 541, Norway ME 04268 |
Oakfield: Smoki Haulers SC, PO Box 331, Oakfield ME 04763 |
Oakland: Oakland Snow Goers, PO Box 566, Oakland ME 04963 |
Orrington: Orrington Trail Riders, PO Box 202, Orrington ME 04474 |
Otisfield: Otisfield Trail Blazers, 863 Gore Rd, Otisfield ME 04270 |
Oxbow-Masardis: Oxbow-Masardis SC, 1243 Oxbow Rd c/o Audrey Currier, Oxbow ME 04764 |
Oxford: Rock-O-Dundee Riders, PO Box 6, Oxford ME 04270 |
Palermo, Liberty: Palermo SC, PO Box 171, Palermo ME 04354 |
Palmyra: Palmyra SC, PO Box 57, Palmyra ME 04965 |
Parkman: Parkman Trailblazers, 718 Crow Hill Rd, Parkman ME 04443 |
Parsonsfield, Porter: Sacopee Valley Snow Drifters, PO Box 611, Parsonsfield ME 04047 |
Patten: Rockabema Snow Rangers, PO Box 898, Patten ME 04765 |
Peru: Peru SC, PO Box 252, Peru ME 04290 |
Phillips, Avon: North Franklin SC, PO Box 386, Phillips ME 04966 |
Pittsfield: Pittsfield Driftbusters SC, PO Box 491, Pittsfield ME 04967 |
Pittston: Pittston Prowlers SC , PO Box 818, Gardiner ME 04345 |
Pittston Academy Grant Twp: Pittston Farm SC, 53 Pittston Farm Rd, Pittston Academy Grant Twp, Rockwood ME 04478 |
Plymouth: Endless Season Riders, PO Box 56, Plymouth ME 04969 |
Poland: Poland Sno Travelers, PO Box 442, Poland ME 04274 |
Portage Lake: Portage Lakers SC, PO Box 149, Portage Lake ME 04768 |
Presque Isle: Presque Isle SC, PO Box 1368, Presque Isle ME 04769, Club Facebook page |
Princeton: Princeton Pathfinders, PO Box 774, Princeton ME 04668 |
Rangeley: Rangeley Lakes SC, PO Box 950, Rangeley ME 04970, Club Facebook page |
Raymond: Raymond Rattlers SC, PO Box 994, Raymond ME 04071 |
Readfield: Readfield Blizzard Busters SC, PO Box 62, Readfield ME 04355 |
Richmond: Richmond Sno-Rovers, PO Box 6, Richmond ME 04357 |
Ripley: Ripley Trail Riders, c/o A Sherburne, 785 North Rd, Ripley ME 04930 |
Rockland, Thomaston, Warren: Bog Brigade SC, 2451 Atlantic Hwy, Warren ME 04864 |
Rockwood: Blue Ridge Riders, PO Box 345, Rockwood ME 04478 |
Rockwood: Taunton-Raynham Boundary Riders, PO Box 27, Rockwood ME 04478 |
Rome: Rome Ruff Riders: PO Box 287, Belgrade Lakes ME 04918 |
Roxbury, Byron: Slippery Sliders SC, PO Box 164, Roxbury ME 04275 |
Rumford: Rumford Polar Bears, PO Box 634, Rumford ME 04276 |
Sabattus: Sabattus Mountaineers, PO Box 696, Sabattus ME 04280, Club Facebook page |
Saco: Saco Pathfinders, PO Box 27, Saco ME 04072, Club Facebook page |
Salem Twp: Salem Sno Drifters, PO Box 379, Strong ME 04983 |
Sanford: Southern Maine Sno-Goers, PO Box 1083, Sanford ME 04073 |
Sebago: Sebago Branch Duckers Inc., PO Box 156, Sebago ME 04029 |
Shapleigh: Squash Hollow Sno Goers, PO Box 381, Shapleigh ME 04076 |
Sherman:Molunkus Valley Sno-Drifters, PO Box 323, Sherman ME 04776 |
Shirley: Shirley Bog Trail Busters, PO Box 107, Shirley ME 04485 |
Sidney: Sidney Trail Riders Club, 16 Chantel Dr, Sidney ME 04330 |
Skowhegan: Skowhegan Sno-Hawks SC, PO Box 916, Skowhegan ME 04976 |
Smithfield: Moonshiners, Inc., PO Box 134, Smithfield ME 04978 |
Solon: Solon Snow Hawks, PO Box 251, Solon ME 04979, Club Facebook page |
Somerville: Backwoods Bouncers SC, 262 Patricktown Rd, Somerville ME 04348 |
South Paris: Snowhoppers SC, PO Box 436, South Paris ME 04281 |
South Paris: Hungry Hollow Hustlers, PO Box 70, South Paris ME 04281 |
Springfield: Quad County SC, PO Box 45, Springfield ME 04487-0045 |
Squa Pan Lake: Walker Siding SC, 51 Langille Rd, Washburn ME 04786 |
St. Agatha: Red Arrow SC, PO Box 202, St. Agatha ME 04772 |
St. Albans: Sno-Devils SC, PO Box 141, Saint Albans ME 04971 |
St. Francis:St. Francis Sno-Angels, PO Box 42, St. Francis ME 04774 |
Standish:Standish Sno-Seekers, PO Box 385, Standish ME 04084 |
Stockholm, New Sweden, Westmanland: Nordic Lakers, Inc, PO Box 17, New Sweden ME 04762 |
Stoneham: Stoneham Knight Riders, PO Box 3, Stoneham ME 04231 |
Strong: Narrow Gauge SC, PO Box 14, Strong ME 04983 |
Sumner: Mount Tom SC, PO Box 13, Sumner ME 04292 |
T1 R8: Twin Pines SC, PO Box 669, Millinocket ME 04462 |
T2 R13: Ragged Riders, 146 Bean St, Turner ME 04282 |
T5 R8: Bowlin Matagamon SC, 1489 Shin Pond Rd, Mount Chase ME 04765 |
T8 R9: Libby Pinnacle Sno Riders, PO Box 810, Ashland ME 04732 |
The Forks: Forks Area Trails Club, 1771 Route 201, The Forks ME 04985 |
Topsfield, Waite: Crossroads SC, PO Box 2, Vanceboro ME 04491 |
Topsham: Topsham Trail Riders, PO Box 421, Topsham ME 04086 |
Turner: Turner Ridge Riders, PO Box 136, Turner ME 04282 |
Unity: Snow Dusters, PO Box 61, Unity ME 04988 |
Upton: State Line SC, c/o Upton House, 260 Thistle St, Upton ME 04261 |
Van Buren: Gateway SC, PO Box 407, Van Buren ME 04785 |
Vanceboro: Vanceboro-Lambert Snowhounds, PO Box 195, Vanceboro ME 04491 |
Vassalboro: Kennebec Valley Trail Riders, PO Box 13, East Vassalboro ME 04935-0013 |
Vienna: Vienna Mountaineers, 310 Middle St, Farmington ME 04938 |
Waldoboro: Waldoboro Sno-Crawlers, PO Box 156, Waldoboro ME 04572 |
Wales: Wales Ridge Runners SC, 238 Centre Rd, Wales ME 04280 |
Washburn:Washburn Trail Runners, PO Box 561, Washburn ME 04786 |
Washington: Hill & Gully Riders, PO Box 212, Washington ME 04574 |
Waterboro: Ossipee Mountaineers, PO Box 273, East Waterboro ME 04030 |
Waterford: Waterford Snow Packers, 366 Valley Rd, Waterford ME 04088 |
Waterville: Central Maine SC, PO Box 2848, Waterville ME 04903 |
Wayne: Thirty Mile River SC, PO Box 238, Wayne ME 04284 |
Weld: Weld Winter Wildcats SC, 189 Center Hill Rd, Weld ME 04285 |
West Forks, Parlin Pond:Coburn Summit Riders, 42 Brians Way, Norridgewock ME 04957 |
West Gardiner: Cobbosseecontee SC, 314 Spears Corner Rd, West Gardiner ME 04345 |
West Paris: Mollyockett Sportsmen Club, 20 Benson Hill, West Paris ME 04289 |
Westbrook: Westbrook Trail Blazes, PO Box 1244, Westbrook ME 04098 |
Wilton: Woodland Wanderers SC, PO Box 638, Wilton ME 04294-0638 |
Windham: Windham Drifters SC, PO Box 869, Windham ME 04062 |
Windsor, Whitefield: WJW SC, PO Box 192, Windsor ME 04363 |
Winn:Dwinal Pond 4 Seasons Club, PO Box 114, Winn ME 04495 |
Winslow: Fort Halifax Snowdrifters, PO Box 8175, Winslow ME 04901 |
Winterport: Winterport Riverside Riders, PO Box 37, Winterport ME 04496 |
Winthrop: Hillandalers SC, PO Box 49, Winthrop ME 04364 |
Wiscasset: Wiscasset Sno-Goers, 73 Fowle Hill Rd, Wiscasset ME 04578 |
Woolwich: Nequasset Trailbreakers, PO Box 4, Woolwich ME 04579 |
~A big thank you to |
Maine Snowmobile Association (MSA) |